Why not?
if it comes from
the heart
Then, spoke the sage in spontaneous verse...
No representation of God is God,
yet, any representation of God is a means to God
Simply remember,
to go to God, you go with God, you go within God, as God~is-going:
God within God ~
no other way, heart friends,
no other way
God in the beginning
God in the middle
God the whole of the endless Way
Do you ever really pray?
Nothing but God...
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
that is all
that is God
This means
'God prays'
This does not mean
'When God prays, you don't pray'~
prayer is total intimacy
discern this
inseparable loving
OneTaste ~ Yes! Wow!
Can you let
God pray
with you, through you, outside you,
over everything,
like the beloved kissing
the body of a lover in choiceless Embrace?
so say
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
feeling the welling up of joy
in the Innermost Sanctuary
flowing like gladsome oil
upon the body of self and world, all,
no one, nothing excluded,
and, remember, not you, too ~
God! God! God!
What is That?
forget it
no questions, no answers
meet me there, commune with me there now now now... ~
now just
breathe, breathe,
imbibe, imbibe
the sweet nectar of pure Presence
in overflowing gratitude
this loving openness,
pristine, primordial, timeless, spaceless, never far, always near,
opens the heart in Love,
in love, in and with and for the world ~
go there!
then, rest
in this flowing Light of Grace
soaking in the Rays of the Sun
Yes! Yes! Yes! always Yes!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
so, prayer becomes spontaneous ecstasy
the elation of Life
and you, with everyone ~
again, inseparable loving
so, smile, exclaim
for the world, for Earth, for Life, for yourself
for all beings seen and unseen
Thank You!
do not hold back
let this grace gush forth
then, in the ambience relax
you have stepped
out of yourself into yourself
repeat this often
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
a way
of joy, to joy
that is all
so simple, so simple